“Unconditional Parenting”(無条件の子育て)という一冊の序章を紹介。「○○ちゃんはいい子だね」の”いい子”は、結局のところ、大人の言うことを聞く世話が焼けない子のことを指すのでは?
There is a big difference between a child who does something because he or she believes it’s the right thing to do and one who does it out of a sense of compulsion. Most of us want our children to think for themselves, to be assertive and morally courageous.
【録音後記】 息子くんたちにどんな大人になってほしいか。ラスベガスで初めて行った小児科が散々だった話。
・Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason